YEAR IN REVIEW 2019 - 4/1/2021              

BRTA Contributes to Charities - At the 2019 Holiday Luncheon we collected $810 for Compass House from the split club and $575 for The Teacher’s Desk from the “Holiday Baskets.”

A total of $264 was collected during the Winter Luncheon at Sean Patrick’s for the 2020 Variety Club Telethon.

This year, 2021, a contribution of $264 was made to the Variety Club from general funds.

SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED - Three scholarships of $1500 each are awarded each year.  The scholarship funds are kept as a separate line item. Any contributions are kept in that line item.

In 2020 awards were presented to Zanaya Hussain, Anna Gardner, and Alexandria Diamond.

Continued thanks to Clarann Josef, scholarship committee chairwomen.

TRAVEL - Unfortunately our travel programs were put on hold. We will resume A.S.A.P.

GOLF OUTINGS - The 2020 outing was cancelled. Steve Parada is planning an outing for this year on June 8, 2021.  If interested, contact Steve (875-3392) by May 1, 2021.

LUNCHEONS  - Our four luncheons in 2017 were held at Park Country Club, Millennium Hotel and Salvatore’s Italian Restaurant and Sean Patrick’s.

IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER Annual dues are $12 per year with BRTA’s fiscal year beginning Sept. 1.   Life membership is $150 and you are presented with a life membership card once.  Only annual members are given renewed annual membership cards. 


   More information can be found on the BRTA website www.brta.biz